Collaboration: It's Necessary


    As an introvert, my first option is not collaborating when carrying out my creative visions.  I like to do things my way at my pace and accomplish them with the feeling of knowing I did all the work by myself.  That is still the first default number setting for my creative projects.  Lone wolf to the max.  But I find myself limited and at a dead end sometimes.  I am less proficient in some areas, which causes me to lack efficiency.  No matter how much I study to enhance my work, there are holes in my knowledge armor that others can come and fill.  I don't know it all and can't put everything in my creative imagination into action without the help of others, no matter how much I might not want to accept it.  It's a fact, plain and simple. 

  Recently, I have been working tirelessly on music, with the theme of creating “new” sounds that spark thought and emotion. I need to collaborate with other artists. In a constantly evolving industry, with new information coming to the forefront, I keep my hand on the pulse of what’s happening. This means meeting artists/musicians and other people involved in the creative arts. I’m learning to enjoy the process despite my anti-extroverted tendencies. One thing that I am learning with collaboration is ensuring a comfortable flow in the atmosphere. Working with someone on the same “wavelength” (pun intended) as you is essential when undergoing your creative process.  Being in sync while accomplishing, streamlines the process and allows you to see things from another's perspective.  

    For many of us creatives, a change of routine can appear to be painful since our dedication to the detailed process of our craft makes us who we are.  Moving away from what we have grown so fond of will help us in the long run. We become better artists and, in my opinion, better people.  Being by yourself and accomplishing your tasks is natural for introverted types.  We tend to be our "own sun" and use our solitude as fuel to complete projects.  Unfortunately, if you're anything like me, we suffer from a form of "perfectionism" where we are never satisfied with what we just constructed and can take far too long critiquing micro details that are typically never noticed by observing audiences.  Usually, those details cause us to rarely have a restful night of sleep (Side note: Take care of yourself. No art is completed without an artist being healthy/present enough to make it).  

    All of this is to say that collaboration might not be the backbone of your artistic style, but it can be beneficial to creating well-rounded projects.  You must shed old habits and develop new, healthy ones.  It is all part of your metamorphosis as a human and artist.  I am learning this life lesson and just wanted to share it with you as we continue this rewarding journey.  

"Unity is strength...when there is teamwork and 

collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."

- Mattie Stepanek


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